Event Phone: 302-535-3769
Looking for an outstanding, challenging, character building, skills testing, Christ centered weekend adventure? Look no further as the 2nd Annual Worthy Wayfinder arrives May 16th – May 18th. The Delmarva Area would like to extend an invitation to all Trail Life troops to compete in an exhilarating challenge weekend in Central Delaware. You will arrive as a troop and set up camp just as if you would at any other campout. Troops are responsible for providing their own meals for Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, Saturday lunch, and Sunday breakfast. The camp will provide a delicious Saturday BBQ dinner after completing the Worthy Wayfinder Orienteering Course. This event is a patrol challenge event and will exemplify the patrol method throughout the weekend. All the patrols from various troops will be working simultaneously on their own, but as a team, accumulating points as they face different challenges all weekend. Adult leadership will be asked to let the Trailmen have autonomy as each patrol leaves their campsite to participate in the weekend events. Daily, all patrols and leaders will return to their camp for meals and sleep. During the weekend, adult leaders can choose a skills station to occupy and help oversee. This event will cover the Trail Skills Badge as well as other portions of core badges through learning stations and a competitive orienteering course. The focus of this weekend is more than just putting your skills to the test, it will focus on character building through pace and navigational growth in Christ. Psalm 37:23 -The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Various pastors/teachers from MD and DE will administer the Word of God to us throughout the weekend. Registration will open in January and will end on April 30th. The cost is $35 per person and includes a Worthy Wayfinder T-Shirt. The registration link will launch in January 2025. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Below is my contact info and a link for a short clip of last year’s Worthy Wayfinder.
1st Annual Worthy Wayfinder Video
The troops coming to this event must divide their Trailmen into patrols of 5. If you have less than 5, come anyways and we will merge them into another patrol. If you have more than 5 and cannot form 2 patrols of 5, come anyways and we will sort it out when you arrive. Bring your normal gear for setting up your camp, including tents/shelter, woods tools, camp kitchen etc…
Gear each patrol must have for the Worthy Wayfinder.
1. Compass
2. 100ft of paracord
3. (2) Kling or Ace bandage
4. (4) 12” X 2” in pieces of wood
5. Patrol Leader Armband (Each patrol will make a creative armband prior to coming)
6. Patrol Flag (Make a new flag prior to coming, need patrol name and call)
7. Fire starting tools (Ferro rod, Flint & Steel)
8. Emergency tinder & kindling including dryer lint, pine needles, dry debris, twigs & pinecones etc… (All materials must fit into a qt size Ziplock bag.
9. Knife
10. 50 feet of rope (0.5” in thickness)
11. Small blanket, example – (wool military style blanket)
12. Bible
13. Small pocket notebook and pen or pencil (In case of rain, keep in Ziplock bag to stay dry)
For more information contact Steve McDougall, Point Man Delmarva Area at mcdougallst@hotmail.com or 302-535-3769
Venue: Killen's Pond State Park
Venue Website: https://destateparks.com/PondsRivers/KillensPond
Address:3015 Paradise Alley Rd, Harrington, Delaware, 19950, United States
Named for its centerpiece, the 66-acre Killens Pond, this state park features a waterpark, various watercraft rentals and the popular Pondside Loop Trail. The Lenape people once lived here, and the pond was created when the Murderkill River was dammed to power grist and sawmills. It is now home to a variety of fish, including bass, crappie and sunfish. The new state-of-the art elevated boardwalk allows pedestrians and bikers a safe passage along Killens Pond Road while benches and bump outs allow for wildlife watching and fishing. Kayakers and boaters can launch from the boat launch at the far end of the walkway. The waterpark features four tall slides, a main pool and baby pool, and a tot lot. The campground provides a reprieve in the woods and Delaware’s State tree, the American Holly, is plentiful. Visitors to the park’s nature center can see live animal exhibits that feature native reptiles and amphibians. The Pileated Woodpecker, Prothonotary Warbler and Barred Owl can often be heard in the woods at the park.
May 16, 2025 - May 18, 2025
5:00 pm - 11:00 am